Can't believe I've been here for a week already! It's zooming by so fast.
Yesterday, Friday Nov 9th, Kevin and I started our day with a visit to Victor Hugo's house in Place des Vosges. Holla at you SCC- the place where he started work on Les Mis! It was a short little walk through as the house isn't very big, but it was super cool to know your were standing in the study where Hugo wrote.
After quickly mailing some postcards we took the metro to cité and went for lunch at the "Great Canadian Pub". We were disappointed that they didn't have poppies for us (still haven't found any. Shoot), and the food was only so so, but I appreciated the hockey jerseys on the wall. If there was an NHL season this year I'm sure they would show the games there.
beauty stained glass |
After lunch we went inside Nortredame. It had very beautiful stained glass windows and Kevin and I just sat inside for a while and soaked up the serenity. There was, however, a mysterious rogue organ player tweedling away that no one seemed to notice but us. The phantom of the cathedral? Pretty epic to be sitting inside one of the most iconic buildings in the world, like its no big deal.
After the cathedral we took the metro way out to the end of the yellow line, La Défense. It's like nowhere else in Paris! Shadowed by the "Grand Arch" is a big open space and high rise office buildings. It was so futuristic looking and so not the Paris I'm used to!! They had a big mall there, and I got a really cute blouse for 40% off at a store called "Pimkie". There was a SNTF office at the station and we finally got all our train travel sorted out. Yaaaay!
dinner: Dan and Kev style |
We had a chill night in and got ourselves ready for our weekend in Normandy. Kevin made salmon and scalloped potatoes (both delicious. We substituted brie for parmesan in the potato dish and it worked excellently) and I was in charge of a springish salad with grapes and cherry tomatoes and an improvised honey-balsamic dressing. We bought sparkling apple juice and mixed it with cran. Yum.
We were in bed by midnight, but I somehow still managed to sleep through my alarm. Crap! Our trip was only pushed back by 30 mins though, and now we're on our way to Bayeux! It's gonna be an awesome weekend, I'm sure.
Sorry to hear there is just too much tempting gluten to avoid in France! (Crèpes would have totally gotten me too!) loving your Paris stories and I cannot WAIT to hear all about your weekend in Normandy. Of everywhere I went in Europe it would be Normandy that I want to go back to most! Enjoy Bayeux and all the Canadian love that abounds in that region :)