Sunday, October 14, 2012

Baby went to Amsterdam...

This evening's post has musical accompaniment:

click here!!

Where did I last leave off? Oh yes. The late late night and the late late "morning". Yesterday Lisa and I roused ourselves at around 1pm, and shortly thereafter headed out to meet her friend Carmen at what's become their local haunt. It was raining pretty hard, so we took the metro from Lisa's flat to Centraal Station. Then it started POURING. Thank goodness for my maroon Costco raincoat!

Lis and I wound our way through the crowds and along the slippery cobblestone streets (all the while watching out for those fearless Dutch bikers) and met Carmen at "The American Diner"- apparently quite close to the Red Light District. I hada major egg craving, and Lisa suggested this place because apparently breakfast isn't a big deal in Holland. Probably because they don't go to bed until dawn.

The diner was very fifties style and fun. They had the front doors open, and it was nice to watch the people go by.

After brunch, we went to the SexMuseum. Apparently it's a tourist staple, as is the giant penis chair upon which I was peer-pressured into sitting on for a picture. Sigh- Amsterdam is corrupting my innocence!

After the museum, Carmen headed back to Utrecht and Lisa and I finished our evening wandering around the shopping district. Going over the bridges lit up with Victorian looking lamps was so lovely.

This place.  My goodness, so gorgeous.
We made a stop at the local grocery store, the "Albert Heijn". It's always fun shopping for produce in other countries. Here, they're big fans of prepackaged and individually packaged items. Vacuum packed eggplant is my favourite find so far. They also have neat candies and baked goods and CHEESE and their dairy cartons bid us to "have a good milk!"

Lis and I made a fine meal of Salmon, quinoa, green beans and salad, and then cozied up in her room for a viewing of "Moulin Rouge". What a classic. We did our nails, enjoyed a cup of tea, watched way too many Irish dance videos on YouTube, and then went to bed.

Mac Bike!
This morning was meant to be an early one, with a grand bike trip in the Dutch countryside, but the weather didn't cooperate. Instead, we rounded up Jenny and Povka from the flat and biked to the Amsterdam Museum. That's right ladies and gentlemen- cycled. I've rented a candy apple red bicycle, the word "tourist" therefore stamped on my forehead, but at least I'm trying. As nervous as I was, I must admit its great fun to bike around the city, and much faster than walking!

The Amsterdam museum was lovely. I so enjoy the peaceful and pensive atmosphere any museum affords. The "permanent" exhibit took you from the year 1000 right through to the present. I most enjoyed the 20th century floor. My favourite part was this photofinder you peered into that alternated between a shot from 1900 and then the same scene from 1999. It was cool to see not only what had changed, but what had stayed the same.

Line 8 was the tram used to take Dutch Jews to the square
where they awaited deportation to Concentration Camps.
After WWII, a #8 train has never run in Amsterdam.
There was also an exhibit called "Amsterdam DNA" that included lots of stats and figures, including the number of gay marriages each year, the number of Dutch Jews lost in the Holocaust, the number of churches in the city, and things like that. I wish we'd had more time to wander. I may go back again before I leave.

After the museum we biked to another part of town for all you can eat sushi with Megan and Frank. So much food!

We're now back at Lisa's place, watching Sound of Music. Great prep for Salzburg! Tomorrow, Lisa and I plan to get our shop on. Should be good!

1 comment:

  1. Your trip sounds wonderful Dan! Keep up the blogging, we're living vicariously over here :)
